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I'm Lydia, a KonMari®-Consultant | Tidying Coach & Professional Organizer

Dive into my blog and find out about my journey to a professional organizer and tidying consultant trained by Marie Kondo. Hopefully my blog will spark joy in your life and my hacks will help you on your journey to a more tidy and joyful life as well. It´s so exciting to welcome you here on my website! Thank you so much for beeing here. Join my decluttering family, we're pretty cool here. ;)

Tauche ein in meinen Blog und erfahre mehr über meine Tipps als professional Organizer und Aufräumcoach nach der KonMari-Methode. Es ist schön, dass du hier bist. Ich hoffe, meine Artikel helfen dir weiter und bereiten dir Freude! Herzlich willkommen in der Decluttering-Familie!

Start: Welcome!

Mythen über KonMari

Meine liebe KonMari-Consultant Kollegin Kati hat in ihrem tollen neuen YouTube-Video ausführlich darüber gesprochen, was KonMari ist und...

Start: Blog2


An open book

Hi & welcome to my blog! I´m so glad you are here! My Name is Lydia. I´m Economist and Tourism Manager but my passion is to help others to get their lifes in order and live a more happy and joyful life through tidying. I´m currently in training by THE Marie Kondo. Nobody would have believed that a couple of years ago. I KonMaried my house back in 2019/2020, right before the pandemic hit because I was totally overwhelmed. I was constantly shuffling my stuff around and wanted to gain my life back. So I started my tidying festival and decluttered my house in a short period of time. And what can I say? IT REALLY WORKED!!! The emotional hoarder is now a tidying and organizing pro. Who would have even believed that?!

I conquered so much time back and I use it for the things and people that really matter to me and that I´m so grateful for: I live a blessed life with my wonderful family & friends, travelling the world, cooking exotic foods - and enjoy so much precious time with my two little dogs that I love to the moon and back. 

Start: About me


You want to learn more about tidying and organizing or you even want to celebrate your own tidying festival and KonMari your house and your life? Just send me a message to and I´ll be happy to help! I´m looking forward to hearing from you!

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PRODUCTS´s your turn!


For everyone who wants to start with a small step.

A KonMari® tidying festival is very effective but can be overwhelming for some. For everyone who is not ready to take that big step but wants to start off now andyway, the Decluttering Quickstart Checklist is the way to go. It contains 22 things you can declutter today without even missing a single one of them. I promise!


Ready to go?

You are ready to kick-start? Send me a message and we will schedule a date and talk about your decluttering journey and your tidying festival using the KonMari®-Method. I´m so excited for you!


Get your life in order. Once and for all. Really.

You are so ready and can´t wait to start your tidying festival? You want to get your house and your life in order - once and for all? You are committed to learn how to tidy your house so you´ll never have to tidy again? Just send me a message and we will talk about how we can get it done!

Start: Produkte
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